Tuesday, April 24, 2007

#20 - Online Software

Had used Google Docs for some time now. Love the ease of not needing to carry around a disk with the hopes that the software needed to work on it would be on the next pc. Most all computers have the word processing software. However Excel would be harder to come by. Thus I keep a lot of the spreadsheet/database sort of files there if I know that I will be away from work for a length of time. That way if the dreaded call comes asking for something it would be somewhat more accessible. Oh yeah, also not all pc’s carry the same version of software. The file being online helps that as well.
Having used the Google software I was interested in trying out this Zoho. Wow. Was really impressed with all the added features and software they had to offer. Since I am finding that all my eggs are stating to rest in one basket (Google) I am left hoping that Google will modify and improve their offering.

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